Weld extract

16.00 208.00  HT


RESEDA (Weld) EXTRACT is a natural plant extract from reseda (Reseda luteola L.) aerial parts.
The famous European dye plant for natural yellow shades, also named Dyer’s weed.

Main constituents : luteolin, flavones (minor – apigénine, chrysoeriol).

Uses :
Natural dyeing and textile printing : Weld extract is from the main European dye plant resource for yellow shades. It can be used with any kind of fiber, combined with any mordant and most other dye extracts to obtain a very wide range of lightfast colours. For deep yellows, this dye develops best in slightly hard water – for example by adding  sodium carbonate or calcium carbonate (chalk) to your bath.

The plant :
Weld or Dyer’s weed (Reseda luteola L.) is one of the most oldest dye plants used for yellow colour. It was classified as “grand teint” (color fast). The whole plant is a good source of natural dye, except the root. It was used as a natural dyestuff since the Roman Antiquity or Prehistoric times. Its use widely spread from the Middle Age and weld was grown in England, in France, in Belgium and in the southeast of Germany.


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