Paul Gout’s 157 colours

34.12  HT

The workbook on Paul Gout's 157 colours is available !
GREEN‘ING is glad to have contributed to this new publication of Dominique Cardon and Iris Brémaud on these "Colours from the past", created in our area.
Beyond the historic and scientific contributions, this book also stands out as a source of reflection and inspiration on the color charts from natural colors, the processes, organization of production and quality control.
These two dyers having worked a few km from GREEN'ING, contributing to the recognition of their work was an evidence for us!

This Cahier/Workbook presents all the colors materialized by 157 samples of dyed woolen cloth in a manuscript entitled "Memoirs on dyeing", probably completed in 1763 by Paul Gout, manager and master dyer of the Royal Manufacture of broadcloth of Bize, in Languedoc. This important factory exported, mainly to the ports of the Levant, up to 2,750 pieces of cloth in 1764, which corresponds to more than 52 km of fabric, dyed in colorfast colors, fast to light and washing.

After contextualizing the life and work of the author, each of his colors is illustrated and described according to a uniform scheme:
• name of each colour, as designated in the source document;
• photo of the corresponding complexion sample;
• table of colorimetric characteristics of each sample expressed according to the international CIELAB space system;
• a table summarizing schematically the process described to obtain the color illustrated by the sample: each of the successive technical steps is distinguished there and the quantitative data provided in the source document are converted there into proportions calculated in relation to the weight of dry fabric to be dyed

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Weight 1 kg