Hydrated Lime – Calcium hydroxide

5.20 7.70  HT

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Hydrated lime or calcium hydroxide, is prepared by reaction between lime from limestones and water.
A natural product widely used for multiple applications.

Uses :
Natural dyeing it is useful for numerous preparations. Hydrated lime is used for the preparation of indigo dyebath with iron and indigo organic dyebath, for instance with fructose syrup (e.g. 1-3-2 organic dyebath according to Michel Garcia’s recipes). Dipping your fabrics into lime water before dyeing with indigo will also enhance the shades.

Other uses :decoration and coatings, building – manufacture of fillers and distempers. In agriculture, to amend acid soils. Floculant in the water-treatment plants…

Product to be handled with precautions. Respect use recommendations (protection of skin, eyes, do not breathe, do not ingest). Safety data sheet available.


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Additional information

Weight 1.3 kg


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