Ferrous Lactate

12.00 43.00  HT


This ferrous lactate is produced from lactic acid obtained by fermentation of renewable materials from the sugar / starch industry.
This new mordant can be used on any fibre for dark shades. A grade of quality, certified compliant to GOTS 6.0.

Use :
Natural dye – mordanting and nuancing any fibers : iron is the basis of all grey and black shades by reaction with natural tannins. In a general way, it is used to darken colours and make them deeper. It slightly improves light- and wash-fastness from those obtained with aluminum mordants. Recommended use at 1-3 % of the Weight Of Fiber (WOF). A higher % may alter the structure of proteinaceus fibers and make them breakable.

For grey and black shades, we also recommend to use our extracts of logwood, oak gallnut, sumach gallnut, tara, acacia. The best results will be obtained with combinations of these extracts.

Also, combinations of aluminum and iron mordants or a last (very light) iron bath after a aluminum-mordanted-colour will widely increase the number of shades.


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Weight N/A

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