GREEN‘ING did participate to the second Edition of Awards :
Innovate in countryside – create my company where I want to live.
Waiting for the final awards that will be given on January 24th, 2020 in “Pont du Gard, the Roman Aqueduc”, we are glad to let you know that GREEN‘ING is nominated for the Special Price “Regional Natural Parks”.

Our project was selected with 6 others for the final, among 42 candidates. Thanks to the Fédération des Parcs naturels régionaux de France for this nomination and the Parc naturel régional du Haut-Languedoc we do live in, that did initiate and support our project.

We are glad to live on the area of the Parc naturel régional du Haut-Languedoc as we have already mentioned in the article Natural colors and spring waters. Read more.

Extrait de tanin de châtaignier

🎄 GREEN'ING wishes you a happy new year 2025​ 🎄